
Top Tips To Create and Store A Strong Password…

With a new hacking scandal in the news every other week, everyone should be concerned about the security of their online accounts. Here are a few simple techniques for creating strong passwords; and storing them. Number 1 – How To Create a Strong Password It’s very important to have a strong and powerful password. An awesome way of generating a strong password that is too hard to guess but still easy enough to remember is Read more about Top Tips To Create and Store A Strong Password…[…]


The App Store Earns Half A Trillion Dollars – But Not For Apple

A new study has just revealed that the millions of dollars earned by Apple from the App Store, and the many millions more paid by Apple to developers are just a fraction of the real economy the Store generates. A good time to be a developer, perhaps? Twelve years ago next month, Apple launched the App Store, with 500 apps. These days, there are almost two million apps and every week half a billion people Read more about The App Store Earns Half A Trillion Dollars – But Not For Apple[…]