Handy Little Printer Fits in Your Hand


PrintPod – A tiny handheld printer that can be used in the home or office can print onto almost any surface including your own skin.

The PrintPod, developed by EveBot in Shenzhen China, is smaller than a can of spray paint but contains versatile technology that allows end-users to simply “wave” the printer over an object, to print onto it.


The developers claim it has been designed to print in a variety of permanent, skin-friendly, and even invisible inks. Fitted with a swappable cartridge system, the PrintPods can print in permanent ink over a variety of materials ranging from paper to cloth, metal, ceramic, and even wood. It allows end-users to customize objects, monogram T-Shirts, or print out messages on paper with permanent, waterproof ink.

While it seems that it is more like a toy than a tool, the developers expect the true value of the tiny PrintPods is in being able to rapidly customize objects with a logo, or quickly leave contact details or business addresses on a box. “It can print stuff that a regular printer wouldn’t be able to handle so easily,”


The compact PrintPods printer runs in tandem with an app (supported on both iOS as well as Android). Its unique architecture allows you to print with the height of 1-inch in a single motion, allowing you to customize tee-shirts, laptops, notebooks, smartphone cases, and a wide variety of items with a single swipe that allows the printer to print in its permanent ink.

The printer works based on the motion of your hands, and a tiny wheel on the base of the PrintPods helps guide your motion in a single direction, while also helping the gadget print as you move it along a line. The hand-held device prints equally well on rough, textured, as well as curved surfaces, and its internal battery lasts as many as 1000 prints before needing to be charged. Individual ink cartridges are designed to last too, averaging out at roughly 3500 prints per cartridge.

For now, it seems that the PrintPods only handle printing on a single axis (you can’t print out large images in multiple lines/passes one below another), but that’s not really what the PrintPods was designed for.

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